How To Make A Good Vlog


I Love YTtalk
This is a kind of survey although it is just so I can find out from everyone here their thoughts on this and maybe I myself and others can benefit from me asking this, what do you think a vlog should include or not include in order to make them as good as possible? What do you think people should avoid when making their vlogs?

All in all, what would keep you interested in a vlog or vlogging channel and coming back for more? :)
Even though I do it in my tutorials out of concentration, I would say avoid the dreaded " ummmmmmmmm"

Also, a nice camera never hurt anyway lol, I'd rather see all of you than one pixel :)

Furthermore, editing of a vlog should be up to the user to decide on a style, I really have no for better or for worse opinion of the jump-cut technique, but that is totally up to the user. Scripts are definitely optional, I'd say if you have trouble organizing your thoughts, maybe a few note cards would help you, but if your naturally great on the camera, and you can get to the point of your vlog, then all the power to ya.

For shorter vlogs, I really like to see people get to the "meat" of their vlog early. For example, if your vlogging about Obama, you should be talking about Obama within the first 30 seconds, talking like all this nonsense, and then 5 minutes in you say " yea, so anyway I wanted to talk about Obama" I'm sorry but that doesn't fly for me :)

Also, I love to see strong sided vloggers, I don't like when people are like, I kinda like the color pink... sometimes.... depending.... maybe if you like it...

I'm just saying, not everyone in this world is going to agree with you, you will have haters, and they won't just be from youtube either, you just have to take your position, ffs just say " NO I HATE PINK!" and then explain why.

I can't stand vlogs talking about controversial topics and there like... but I don't want to offend anyone.... I think that if your opinion is going to offend someone, then oh well, they will get over it.

Dynamic changes in voice is great to listen to such as getting louder and quiet. People often say don't speak too low, but you never really see the opposite occur, such as ... bro, stop shouting...

These are my ideas for what I would like to see in Vlogs! And yes this is my opinion so don't get offended :)
I believe there's really no right or wrong way to do it. Certain types of vlogs will interest certain people. That's why I hate when people are like 'You have to be funny','s all about being you. Don't follow the crowd or copy what's popular right now. People will respect you for that. Don't worry about making a 'good' vlog. And have fun. That's my best advice.
Yeah, I'd say one of the main things is the Ums, Ahs, Erms in between what you're saying. If it's a few here and there while you gather your thoughts that's fine...but if there is too many it becomes distracting. Another keeping your voice up so we can hear what you're saying.