How to get them from Facebook to youtube?


New Member
Hi everyone. I'm new here and this is my first post. Great forum!

I created a channel which went live about a week ago. I decided to create a page on Facebook to promote it, and spend a few bucks in ads (about $35). I've been pleased with the response, since the page received a thousand likes in less than a week!

On the page I ask them to subscribe to my YouTube channel. I post links to it, but they don't make the transition. On the channel I only have like three four likes, and seven subscribers. Why, why don't they like and subscribe on YouTube? How can I get them to do so?

Oh, if only those thousand likes were on YouTube!
I don't know how big your channel is, but I'm going to assume you're just starting out. I really don't recommend you spend real money growing your channel unless you're either super rich or until you have learned grow it naturally. But if you're goal was to get more subscribers and likes, wouldn't it have been a lot better to spend your $35 on Youtube's adwords? Why put $35 on a platform if your goal is to move them off it? It would have been better to advertise where people will actually look at your videos. Getting people to move from facebook to Youtube is not an easy task if you're just starting out. You gotta learn to peak people's interest like uploading a 10-15 second clip of your video, and then get them excited or curious enough to click your link. People will not magically subscribe just because you tell them to. You gotta provide them with enough value.
Hmm you gotta make sure it's worth it for them to make the move or else they are simply just not gonna do it. Always post teasers because teasers trigger curiosity and when they are curious they'd probably head over to your channel for more :)
If you're just starting out your channel, I really don't recommend buying ads on Facebook or promoting on Facebook in general. If anything, you really wanna promote your channel on Twitter because a lot of people off there will check out your channel and might even want to collar with you!
You have several things working against you:

1. FB is a direct competitor of YT, they will do everything they can to bury your offsite links to YT - how dare you take people off their FB timeline to a competitor. And they do this while gently slipping your $35 into their pocket.

2. FBookers are very sticky to FB. Just try to get my wife, or my sister, to click off their timeline to go to another app and all the associated hassles. Easier to flick a finger and scroll down to the next post. It's all noise anyway.

3. Not everyone on FB has a G+ or Yt account. Many would get their fix from FB videos, that are generally under 1 minute, where is the incentive to go watch 5-10 minute videos? Not everyone would have a YT app installed on their device, can you imagine the hassle of clicking from the FB app to a browser to get to YT? No thanks!

4. FB likes mean absolutely nothing. Likes don't translate into YT views, nor Yt subs. You need to be clear - are you building a Fb audience or a Yt audience. They are different. Fb audiences care about likes and shares of their selfies and what their friends are doing tonight, Yt audience cares about cool entertaining videos.

Better to have bought a nice meal for yourself and a friend than waste it on FB. If you are inclined to sink another wad of cash into social, buy Adwords at 1 cents CPC.
You have several things working against you:

1. FB is a direct competitor of YT, they will do everything they can to bury your offsite links to YT - how dare you take people off their FB timeline to a competitor. And they do this while gently slipping your $35 into their pocket.

2. FBookers are very sticky to FB. Just try to get my wife, or my sister, to click off their timeline to go to another app and all the associated hassles. Easier to flick a finger and scroll down to the next post. It's all noise anyway.

3. Not everyone on FB has a G+ or Yt account. Many would get their fix from FB videos, that are generally under 1 minute, where is the incentive to go watch 5-10 minute videos? Not everyone would have a YT app installed on their device, can you imagine the hassle of clicking from the FB app to a browser to get to YT? No thanks!

4. FB likes mean absolutely nothing. Likes don't translate into YT views, nor Yt subs. You need to be clear - are you building a Fb audience or a Yt audience. They are different. Fb audiences care about likes and shares of their selfies and what their friends are doing tonight, Yt audience cares about cool entertaining videos.

Better to have bought a nice meal for yourself and a friend than waste it on FB. If you are inclined to sink another wad of cash into social, buy Adwords at 1 cents CPC.
Fully agree, I have tried it in the beginning before I tried adwords (why does facebook promotion work so much easier than adwords is a mystery to me) and there is hardly any trafic flowing back to YT. I also made ads that go straight to the video and I don't know how Facebook calculates it but the report you get from facebook on how many people clicked on your video (taking you to youtube) doesn't reflect by a mile the amount of views that are coming to your video.
My expectation is that people click the link, are prompted to leave facebook and click no. But facebook still counts it as succesful in their report. The whole report just feels extremely inflated on facebook.
Fully agree, I have tried it in the beginning before I tried adwords (why does facebook promotion work so much easier than adwords is a mystery to me) and there is hardly any trafic flowing back to YT. I also made ads that go straight to the video and I don't know how Facebook calculates it but the report you get from facebook on how many people clicked on your video (taking you to youtube) doesn't reflect by a mile the amount of views that are coming to your video.
My expectation is that people click the link, are prompted to leave facebook and click no. But facebook still counts it as succesful in their report. The whole report just feels extremely inflated on facebook.

Thats been my experience too. I get Loads of interaction on the ads, but the people who click the link dont translate to views. I am still trying to grow naturally as they say and Im stumped.