How to get more views on a let's play channel without paying money.


Hello, I have recently started a let's play channel. It seems like I don't get very many views. How can I promote my videos without paying or ******* off a bunch of people?
I remember seeing a comment you made asking for people to check your channel out on one of SuperJeenius's videos. You really shouldn't do that. While it seems it has given you some more views and subscribers, seeing those kind of comments annoy a lot of people. Quite honestly, when I saw the comment, I simply ignored it. That comment was marked as spam, by the way.

Really, you should just try getting more active in the let's play community. Try to talk with some of your favorite let's players in their comments section of their videos, their Twitter, and their Facebook. They might just notice you. Talking to those guys may be intimidating, so if you don't feel up to it right now, then you can also look into finding other let's players around your size. Make connections.
Seriously all you have to do is make your content fun to watch and then advertise advertise advertise.

Edit out the boring parts and keep the watcher always interested, I'd rather watch a 3 minute interesting video than a 15 minute video with long stretches of boredom.
  • Make Good Content
  • Collaborations
  • Have good quality
  • Don't limit yourself to one game
  • Get active in the comment sections! (I've post a comment on a video and got a few subs from it!)
People already have there favorite let players and really don't have a reason to watch your let's play video's. Seriously let's play are boring do something else what's get better attention.
It gets tricky with lets plays, you should ask @uberdanger :p He's pretty successful
I don't do let's plays, they are just very bad for growth, one of the worst types of videos in fact.*
EDIT*: By worst types of videos I mean for GROWTH, not that let's plays are bad videos.
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So...What kind of gaming is good then? Maybe showcases (If you're talking about Minecraft...)
People already have there favorite let players and really don't have a reason to watch your let's play video's. Seriously let's play are boring do something else what's get better attention.
Not sure if sarcasm but...I think it's kinda messed up that your response is telling them not to do LP's. They want to do LP's and need constructive advice on how to try to be successful. Why would you tread on someone's aspirations, regardless of the underlying truth of the matter? Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't this a place where fellow YouTubers can go for sound advice and encouragement rather than the opposite? Heck, people having their favorite LPers is fine and dandy, but that doesn't warrant telling someone to flat out not do something because you personally find it boring. Not exactly helping anyone by telling them that people have no reason to watch their videos either.

Now...@UltimaLps, PublicSeaLion and Kate have more or less the right idea on this one. Not gonna lie, this road isn't exactly an easy one to walk, but the most important thing to remember is to ultimately have fun and be consistent. If potential subscribers can see that you're having fun, and can provide to them a pretty steady flow of content/entertainment headed their way then you're well on your way. You'll only reap what you're willing to put forth. So work hard, play hard, and you may yet get there!