How to get in contact with a HUMAN?

Coolio Julio

New Member
Context: I was trying to report a video for the first time and I had no idea how to report videos because I have never done it. After I sent my first report, I found videos that were the exact same and reported them not knowing that this apparently abused the YouTube report system policy that they take VERY seriously. After a little while, they sent me a email that was in my junk folder and I didn't read saying how if I don't take back my request in 7 days, my channel will get terminated. So, it did and I was going crazy because I didn't know what to do. I was emailing youtube and only getting responses from computers and not actual HUMANS. (I sent like 3 appeals which might have been bad but whatever)

Question: Does anybody know how to get in contact with someone that can actually respond? Do you think I will ever get my channel back?
I was reporting the video because you had to pay for the video that was being broadcasted and thousands of people were in a way pirating it. It was not broadcasted on YouTube and it was from somewhere else that would probably hate to be cheated of their revenue.
How were you reporting it? As a copyright violation?
If you were reporting it for a copyright violation and you did not own the copyright like you would have had to claim that you did when reporting it via the copyright process, then forget about getting your channel back. What you did is falsely sign a legal document claiming you owned the copyright. That is a violation of the law and of YouTube's policy.