How to get a Youtube Partnership with 0 Subscribers!

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in the video i show that i have zero subs and 0 videos on the channel. I literally made the account and applied right after and got accepted lmao[DOUBLEPOST=1437580053,1437580012][/DOUBLEPOST]
and you get more benefits being partnered its not all about making money
I am still pretty sure you need to put up a video. You might be able to do something like set up an Adsense account and connect it to Youtube.
I am still pretty sure you need to put up a video. You might be able to do something like set up an Adsense account and connect it to Youtube.
nope nothing at all the account i showed in the video had zero videos and subs when i applied. i literally made the account and applied right after
youtube offers different promotional options and being able to make your own ads if your partnered plus being able to add custom thumbnails to your video and all that other good stuff[DOUBLEPOST=1437580654,1437580537][/DOUBLEPOST]
freedom isnt the network that i would choose to go with full screen and rpm and viso are much better but for smaller youtubers who want the benefits this is the best network for them
And you would really trust a network that offers an impossible number like 110% rev share?
if you go to the site and look it tells you how you earn the 110% its not a set amount. you have to earn points to get the 110% and it only last a month until you can build back up your points and get it again
I'll go and look; but as I've been with Maker for three years already, it's a moot point.
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And you would really trust a network that offers an impossible number like 110% rev share?
if you go to the site and look it tells you how you earn the 110% its not a set amount. you have to earn points to get the 110% and it only last a month until you can build back up your points and get it again[DOUBLEPOST=1437581713,1437581439][/DOUBLEPOST]
I can add custom thumbnails already and I'm not partnered to anyone...
because you probably signed up with google ad sense with is basically a youtube partnership
so basically that's a video to promote freedom? because there is no point in joining a network if you don't have anything to promote
its not promoting freedom its to show youtubers who just got started how to get partnered so they can have the benefits of promoting their channel and all the other things that come with being partnered
its not promoting freedom its to show youtubers who just got started how to get partnered so they can have the benefits of promoting their channel and all the other things that come with being partnered
yeah but basically its hurting them in reality when you think about it because to be completely honest THERE IS NO BENEFIT and their losing a lot more then their gaining because their just starting and a 60/40 split is (almost) the worst you can get with a MCN
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