How to get A 3DS with a capture card.

And thank you for yours. You haven't ripped the file yourself either so how can you say that an emulator will be able to run it?

I gave an option did I not? Do you know for a fact that the capture card you linked has flawless quality and won't break? Your straw man is adorable.

I know I said a 3DS with a capture card, but that kinda opened my eyes to a possibility so even if it didn't answer my question it still gives me hope that it could possible be that way since I have yet to find a legit 3DS emulator.
This is one of the most retarded things I have read all day.

Really? Thank you for being a completely inconsiderate waste of air and using a socially taboo word incorrectly in an attempt to insult someone over the internet. Bravo on using the word retard completely out of context and looking absolutely foolish.
Oh really? So you have ripped the file? Didn't realize the game released. Thank you oh SO much for your fabulous contribution to this thread.

i don't really see why you feel the need to be sarcastic and defensive.. no one said anything that was really all that bad until the "Retarded" remark by Tarmack which was not the right thing for him to say ..but he did not call you "Retarded"..but in your retaliation back to him you called him a "waste of air" which was not a very Nice thing to say....

everyone Play nicely. this isn't something that needs to be blown out of proportion. it was just a simple question.
Edited per Vic. I had such a good reply too, with definitions and logic. le *sigh*, the world will never know.
Please don't argue on any thread like this asking for help. People who post these want answers, not arguing.