How to begin short film?

The way I would do it personally is start off with them meeting at the house and then expand their past in some conversations between the part where the arrive and the s**t hitting the fan. That's mainly because it's pretty annoying when you're watching a horror film and they spend like half an hour building up a character only to have him/her killed more or less the second things go south. There's no real need for it, seeing most character building in those type of films tend to be when they're evading whatever is hunting them. But seeing this is a project for a class, the person who's marking it may feel differently than me. Whatever you decide, make sure you upload it to youtube seeing you've made me want to see it now :P
i personally would set up the legend first. If it's a legend that's being told often, you could make it like the teens were talking at school about it, then show off some basic character traits, like who's scared, who's the leader (idk if you have any of those in your actual story, but it's just some examples). Or you can tell it narrator style with some text fading in and out. the method isn't much of an issue as long as you set up the legend. That's my two cents on how I'd start it! :D

anyway, good luck on your film! hope you ace it! :)
The way I would do it personally is start off with them meeting at the house and then expand their past in some conversations between the part where the arrive and the s**t hitting the fan. That's mainly because it's pretty annoying when you're watching a horror film and they spend like half an hour building up a character only to have him/her killed more or less the second things go south. There's no real need for it, seeing most character building in those type of films tend to be when they're evading whatever is hunting them. But seeing this is a project for a class, the person who's marking it may feel differently than me. Whatever you decide, make sure you upload it to youtube seeing you've made me want to see it now :p
I really like the idea of the conversations flashbacks almost! I know what you mean about building up character development in horror movies but I think it really depends on the story and what each character is like...I mean sometimes it's useful for dramatic effect and creates an emotional connection to audience, if you make a character likeable before all the action starts. But as I said it depends. Some horror movie characters are just crap lol thanks for your ideas! :)[DOUBLEPOST=1346098261,1346098099][/DOUBLEPOST]
i personally would set up the legend first. If it's a legend that's being told often, you could make it like the teens were talking at school about it, then show off some basic character traits, like who's scared, who's the leader (idk if you have any of those in your actual story, but it's just some examples). Or you can tell it narrator style with some text fading in and out. the method isn't much of an issue as long as you set up the legend. That's my two cents on how I'd start it! :D

anyway, good luck on your film! hope you ace it! :)
ooh thats a great idea! I like the narration style...I did that last year for it and it worked pretty well so I know what I'm doing in that area! Yeah I've already developed all the trait but I wasn't sure whether to introduce that before being at the house or after. I think I'm gonna go with introducing them whenever they have just arrived and are in the house talking with the main character before the action really sets in. That way it won't waste a big deal of time on character development, but will make you feel something towards each of them, y'know :) thank you!
Personally, I like it when they start with something scary and then tell any back-stories in flashbacks. For a short film, I think it's going to depend on HOW SHORT. If there's not enough time for a good setup without it overwhelming the film, then go with flashbacks.
I really like the idea of the conversations flashbacks almost! I know what you mean about building up character development in horror movies but I think it really depends on the story and what each character is like...I mean sometimes it's useful for dramatic effect and creates an emotional connection to audience, if you make a character likeable before all the action starts. But as I said it depends. Some horror movie characters are just crap lol thanks for your ideas! :)[DOUBLEPOST=1346098261,1346098099][/DOUBLEPOST]
ooh thats a great idea! I like the narration style...I did that last year for it and it worked pretty well so I know what I'm doing in that area! Yeah I've already developed all the trait but I wasn't sure whether to introduce that before being at the house or after. I think I'm gonna go with introducing them whenever they have just arrived and are in the house talking with the main character before the action really sets in. That way it won't waste a big deal of time on character development, but will make you feel something towards each of them, y'know :) thank you!
I'd be careful about overdoing flashbacks, as if you do too much it may subtract from the atmosphere of the film itself.
Personally, I like it when they start with something scary and then tell any back-stories in flashbacks. For a short film, I think it's going to depend on HOW SHORT. If there's not enough time for a good setup without it overwhelming the film, then go with flashbacks.
I want to make it under 10 minutes. My one last year was 11 minutes and it was really long compared to everyone else' this year I'm stepping it down in terms of length. Maybe 9 minutes. I dunno yet, I'll see when I get the final script done roughly and edit it from there. I think maybe some flashbacks would be good. But only between 2 characters, not every single one- I think that'd be too much.[DOUBLEPOST=1346098946,1346098899][/DOUBLEPOST]
I'd be careful about overdoing flashbacks, as if you do too much it may subtract from the atmosphere of the film itself.
Yeah I know what you mean...As I said in my last comment if I was doing flashbacks it would be one very short scene between two characters as an addition to the plot.