How to be more funny?

Delivery is EVERYTHING

A lot of great advice in this post, but this stands out as the most important. You can write the best joke, but if it's not delivered correctly (you're hesitant instead of just going for it, etc.) it can all fall apart. I believe comedic timing is natural but some things can be picked up.

I don't consider myself a comedian but I am a bit of a comedy nerd. If you're really serious about being 'funnier' then study it. I love watching stand-up. There's a plethora of great stuff on Netflix and even YouTube. Watch a couple, and pay attention to how they set-up jokes and punchlines. Listen to comedians interviews or them talking about their craft. A lot of comedy comes from life. Don't be afraid to make fun of yourself. There's plenty that you can learn and take away from it. Cheers!
A lot of great advice in this post, but this stands out as the most important. You can write the best joke, but if it's not delivered correctly (you're hesitant instead of just going for it, etc.) it can all fall apart. I believe comedic timing is natural but some things can be picked up.

I don't consider myself a comedian but I am a bit of a comedy nerd. If you're really serious about being 'funnier' then study it. I love watching stand-up. There's a plethora of great stuff on Netflix and even YouTube. Watch a couple, and pay attention to how they set-up jokes and punchlines. Listen to comedians interviews or them talking about their craft. A lot of comedy comes from life. Don't be afraid to make fun of yourself. There's plenty that you can learn and take away from it. Cheers!
That's the thing man like, you're one of those people who gets it. You don't do a ton of comedy in your vlogs, but every time I've seen you make an attempt at putting humor in it works. When you try to be funny, I always at least chuckle, cause you just understand timing and delivery.
That's the thing man like, you're one of those people who gets it. You don't do a ton of comedy in your vlogs, but every time I've seen you make an attempt at putting humor in it works. When you try to be funny, I always at least chuckle, cause you just understand timing and delivery.

Thanks :) Also I just feel like theres so many forms of comedies that appeals to different people, it's hard to pinpoint what's funny and whats not. So, yeah, my advice would be to keep working at it...even if someone says you're 'unfunny' just keep working. I'm sure there are people out there who love it.
Thanks :) Also I just feel like theres so many forms of comedies that appeals to different people, it's hard to pinpoint what's funny and whats not. So, yeah, my advice would be to keep working at it...even if someone says you're 'unfunny' just keep working. I'm sure there are people out there who love it.
Well I mean, when I was still doing comedy I reached a point that many of my subscribers thought of me as hilarious and you know I'd get lots of reactions like "LMAOOOOO FUNNIEST THING EVER OMGGGGG" And such, but do you remember my comedy when I started out? hahahaha it was awkward and delivered strangely and you know just... not what it became. Alot of my personal understanding of comedy actually came from watching myself screw up.

When you've just freshly worked on something you might find it hilarious, or be unsure and think "it's probably funny I'll put it up anyway" but a few weeks later when you go back to it you suddenly see how and why it's not funny, and since it's you, you see better what you could/should have done to have made it funny. So that's why like... funny or not, keep trying comedy. You may put out some awkward stuff but who cares, not being afraid to fail is something that cool people admire and only losers mock.
I just realized which channel you were, you did the alien joke. Honestly if I may give a little critique, I think that idea wasn't presented correctly. Your idea itself was a funny one, but I don't think you thought hard enough about how to word it and act it correctly so that it truly was funny, and you seem to be doing alot of one take vlogs, jumpcuts may be your friend in these early stages, get each line worded and delivered in the best way to make it flow in a funny way. You could have also filmed jumps to other scenes, saying "they'd get in my body and be like..." then cut to another scene and kind of act out the idea. From what I can see your ideas are good you're just not taking them seriously enough and polishing them.
You are correct sir, I'm only spending about 5 to 10 minutes on my vlogs to make it more natural. I don't want it to look too forced. But you are right, I need to fix up my delivery. Thanks for the feedback.
You are correct sir, I'm only spending about 5 to 10 minutes on my vlogs to make it more natural. I don't want it to look too forced. But you are right, I need to fix up my delivery. Thanks for the feedback.
What I used to do is I would imagine the video clearly in my mind and write out a script, then study the script until I had a general idea of how it would go, then I'd go eat or do something else for an hour or so and come back and do my takes so that I'd had some time away from the script to get like... the more you think about your script the harder it is to deliver it naturally does that make sense? But everyone is different that's just what would work for me.
What I used to do is I would imagine the video clearly in my mind and write out a script, then study the script until I had a general idea of how it would go, then I'd go eat or do something else for an hour or so and come back and do my takes so that I'd had some time away from the script to get like... the more you think about your script the harder it is to deliver it naturally does that make sense? But everyone is different that's just what would work for me.
I totally get it. Every time I try and write something down and try to deliver it, I sound like a dead robot. A dead robot? Robots are not alive or are they?

I totally get it. Every time I try and write something down and try to deliver it, I sound like a dead robot. A dead robot? Robots are not alive or are they?
LMAO It's aliiiivee... ITS ALIIIIVE!!! But yep, I have the same issue, for me the solution was doing it in different parts. I'd consider the writing process it's own thing, get the idea down perfectly, give myself some time to forget the idea, come back and read it fresh (sometimes you realize it could be better when you do) if it makes me laugh when I come back and read my perfected idea I deliver it while it still feels fresh to me. If it starts getting monotonous cause I'm doing too many takes, I just get away from it again and try a little later. Do you mind if I show you a video where I felt this process worked perfectly? I mean pm since it would be against the rules to show it in here but just, one where getting the takes was difficult and I kept having to take breaks and start over? Thought it might be helpful for you to kind of see an example of this method and how the final product could look.
LMAO It's aliiiivee... ITS ALIIIIVE!!! But yep, I have the same issue, for me the solution was doing it in different parts. I'd consider the writing process it's own thing, get the idea down perfectly, give myself some time to forget the idea, come back and read it fresh (sometimes you realize it could be better when you do) if it makes me laugh when I come back and read my perfected idea I deliver it while it still feels fresh to me. If it starts getting monotonous cause I'm doing too many takes, I just get away from it again and try a little later. Do you mind if I show you a video where I felt this process worked perfectly? I mean pm since it would be against the rules to show it in here but just, one where getting the takes was difficult and I kept having to take breaks and start over? Thought it might be helpful for you to kind of see an example of this method and how the final product could look.
Heck, yeah. PM me baby.... yeah that got weird. An example would be great.
I try to make it seem like I'm not trying... or at least I'm trying to develop that more natural feeling. If I feel like I'm trying to force humor, it doesn't seem to work.