How thoroughly do you script your videos?

How thoroughly do you script your videos?

  • 100% scripted, no adlibs.

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Rough script/outline with some adlibbing

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • List of bullet-points, very freeform

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • 100% UN-scripted.

    Votes: 2 25.0%

  • Total voters
I used to use only bullet points. Then it was a case of "whatever happens, happens."

It's so much more relaxed and less stressful. My videos were reviews, and whenever I did something about a certain topic, I'd never bullet point anything except the topic itself. :P
ad libbing is always fun, and sometimes funnier than the script :p

In my most recent video I ad-libbed a bit where I stare into a small torch (flashlight) for a few seconds before I carry on talking to the viewer. Sod know's why I did that. :unsure:

In my defence it was very late when I filmed it, I was rather tired and honestly had no idea what I was thinking. I kept it in though because it turned out weirdly amusing, in a non-sequitur kind of way. Other times I'll ad-lib a comment or two, or leave out lines completely if I think they don't flow as well as I thought they did on paper.
It depends on the project. Animations we do are completely scripted. Action films are also completely scripted, but we sometimes have to make changes to the dialog on the fly, if it is too difficult or awkward for my actresses to say. Our Candy Reviews are not scripted but we have a rough structure to the show and we stop the camera a lot to give the girls time to think about what they're going to say next so we don't have too many awkward silences. "Real Life" videos are a free-for all, spontaneous with no script, they just happen if I can grab my camera when something cute or interesting is happening!
For vlogs, it really depends. For ones that are just about random things that have been happening, I usually find a rough list of points more than enough, however for something that has more of a focus or is more intricate, I would usually write a full script and use it as a guide throughout :D