I write a pretty comprehensive script for my weekly videogame news round-ups. Every sentence carefully chosen, typed out and performed for the camera. I'll sometimes ad-lib a line here or there, cut one out if it doesn't flow well, or pick up a prop to incorporate, but otherwise I run a pretty tight ship script-wise. It takes me a long time and some days I find myself staring at a blank screen for hours on end, but I believe the final result is well worth it. I do what I can to make it sound natural however, since I don't want to sound like one of those 5 yr-olds reading from an autocue on a local news report about the county fair.
With that in mind I'm curious as to your work process so let's talk shop. Am I a lone fastidious control-freak in a sea of unscripted free-spirits, or is meticulous scripting more common than most people think?
With that in mind I'm curious as to your work process so let's talk shop. Am I a lone fastidious control-freak in a sea of unscripted free-spirits, or is meticulous scripting more common than most people think?