How Powerful is a channel name?

Catchy, easy to remember and represents you and your channel. I've always liked my handle and it was a randomly generated xbox live handle from 12 years ago :P
Yes it matters, specially for Google SEO, Google will align your channel name (as it should reflect the video content, example stock footage) with keywords. So think about what keyword on Google you would like your channel to be found under, examples, animations, sports, web design tutorials etc etc.
Yes, a name is a big part of a YouTube channel a catchy name or a rememerable name is what keeps the word of mouth going. No one is going to say to their friends "Hey did you watch sl1cksniperxx09xxmustangs latest video last night"

You want an easy to pronounce and catchy name, short ones are better in my opinion here are some examples of great channel names

UberHaxorNova - Nova
PewDiePie - Pewds
SlyFoxHound - Sly
HuskyMudkipz - Husky
I'd say it matters in a sense, If i see someones channel such as something like: XX360NOscopeXX or something, there's no chance in hell i'll click that. This is just a personal opinion, but i am not a huge fan of numbers in channel names. I recently changed my names from TheJVgaming to VesseyGaming cause i think it sounds a little cooler and not as boring in a sense. I think your name should represent your channel and what is about. You can change your display name by the way, there's lots of how to videos on youtube :)