How Powerful is a channel name?


Content Creator
Hello guys,

Today I have been thinking about Youtube usernames...

My channel name, Stargater07 was formed way back in 2007!!!! It has remained the same and has seen my channel go from music content over to game content and a few personal videos in between.

Now the question I am really going to ask this community is:

Does my username, which is kinda neutral but admittedly shows my affection for Stargate make my channel less attractive to users browsing gaming videos on YouTube than say a channel called; Ultimate Gamer or HeadshotHD etc, etc....

Obviously we all want to make our channels streamlined and efficient.

I am just wanting to know your thoughts on this...

The only drawback is I cannot rename my channel and I am unsure moving videos across to a whole new channel will convince subscribers to follow :/

It only plays a role if you are starting a new channel and are not yet established. Given your subscriber size it doesn't matter at this point, people find you by your videos anyway so its kinda pointless to try to migrate to a better name with this many followers.
It only plays a role if you are starting a new channel and are not yet established. Given your subscriber size it doesn't matter at this point, people find you by your videos anyway so its kinda pointless to try to migrate to a better name with this many followers.

Thanks for the comment,

Yes, I suppose I have surpassed the point where changing names would actually be worth it. I guess I should just keep to my focus on creating good new content with the next subscriber goal in mind :D
Personally. I think its what name you establish for yourself that matters! for example, my channel is IITheRougeII (making fun of l33t noobs) but the name I use across most platforms is -Rouge-. Aslong as you have a catchy name in general you should be fine :)
Yes it matters. It represents you when your not visibly or audibly around. Have you tried connecting your channel with Google +?? My channel used to be called Multitakiz but ever since I connected it with Google + I'm able to change it. I made my youtube channel in 2010 or 2011