How people find Vloggers?

I usually find One Vlogger, then go through their subbox, then that persons subbox until I find someone I like :p
Collaborations is the biggest one. The second is related videos. In my opinion. Talk about stuff that other people are talking about, and more importantly, searching for.
I usually find them when they subscribe to me (I don't know how they find me though!) or if they are recommended by somebody I watch.
We've been getting the most views (which admittedly isn't a lot) on tag videos and the like. Like someone above said, we're going to start doing challenges as well to attract some interest. I think it's mostly just luck of the draw, honestly.
Usually through other people. A lot of vloggers, or any channel in general, i've found through another channel. You watch one video collabing with someone else, you check them out, and it's a never ending cycle :) That's why collabing is highly recommended to grow channels :)