How much $ would you need to make to be a full time YouTuber?

It's hard to say, as I'm still living with my parents right now. It would depend on a lot of things: Am I trying to buy a fancy house or am I living with a roommate? What city am I living in? etc...
$1000 a week would be a nice goal, it'd be above the average American's wage I think. Of course I might have other sources of income and that number could be lowered, or inflation could hit and that number would need to be higher.
To do YouTube full time, I would have to be making at least $8000 a month. I would not be comfortable with anything less because I would want to save up a decent amount for taxes.
I would need like $2500 payout a month after taxes to do it full time.
That's about what I have today after taxes.
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