How much views will BOOBS get you?

...I could mention boobs in all my youtube video tags.
Then again, people rarely even see them in my vids even if they are completely covered :P
I just don't want to be one of those females, you know?
haha look at dub step songs and techno songs. if theres boobs or even anime boobs. your looking at alot of views!! usually top comments will say came for the boobs
I'm doing an experiment

I'm combining two very popular things BOOBS! and minecraft I have made a video about a minecraft mod that adds boobs to the game on your character etc I'm going to label it

'The Best Minecraft Mod'

and a thumbnail with boobs and the minecraft logo (so the thumbnail is relevant to the video)

let's see if we can turn it into one of those videos with a ridiculous amount of views


Wish me luck
Some how I don't think you'll need it, but when your far off in your distant success remember all of us. Don't forget us, and oh thanks for all the mammaries!
Arrghhhh I feel your pain, my wife has breast implants and wont let me make a video of her pros and cons with a nuce thumbnail shot. argghhh