How much time do you spend making videos?

It honestly depends. If Im recording a gameplay, usually about 30 min - an hour for recording, 30 min for editing, and anywhere between 5 - 35 min for thumbnails. (Thank God for GIMP). for the devotional videos, tack on another 30 min - an hour for research, and the Dieus News segments is about an hour to make and 15 min to edit. so, Im guessing an hour and 30 min total production time? (Math has never been my strong suit. :/)
When I record gameplay now for my newest video it took me 1 h to play,14 hours to render, and I am going to see how long it will take 48gb MP4 file will take to upload to youtube.
Note the original avi was around cca 160gb, and that's not even the biggest file in my history of recording.
depends how long it is, my videos are normally short so about 5 minutes or so maybe longer if I want it to be perfect
Hey everyone, I was just wondering how I compare to everybody else as to how much time you spend making a video, research, scripting, filming, editing and all. ~Column 1 P.S: I know it doesn't really matter, because video making varies for YouTuber to YouTuber but whatever

Depending on what you are doing...I tend to spend 1/2 hour videoing then another hour or two editing. This may change as I expand my channel.

Ideas just come to us, and then we plan out the video which takes about an hour. Then we film the video which depending on the video, takes between 30 min-1:30 hours. Then usually takes about 3 days.

Julia and Claire
When it comes to video production, time management is key. Personally, I dedicate a significant portion of my week to creating content, averaging around 15-20 hours. Striking the right balance between quality and efficiency is paramount.

Speaking of efficiency, it's essential to optimize every aspect of the process. This is where services like box build assembly play a crucial role. Essentially, it's the culmination of electronic manufacturing, integrating various components into the final product enclosure. This encompasses electronic elements, cables, PCBs, mechanical hardware, and more, resulting in a fully functional, market-ready product.

By entrusting this specialized assembly process to experts, creators can save valuable time. This allows for a more concentrated focus on content creation, ensuring videos are of the highest quality. It's a strategic move that not only streamlines production but also elevates the overall standard of the final product.

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