How many subscribers is famous?


The Bostonian YTtalker
How many subscribers does a channel have to have before you start to think the channel / the person running the channel is famous?

I was asked this question on a panel I was a speaker for at Vidcon 2016 and I've always wondered if people have changed their definition over the years.

So if I channel has 1 subscriber are they famous?

Also, if you found out your friend had a youtube channel, what number of subscribers would make you think they made it.
I don't take any notice of subscriber numbers - I either like a channel or I don't.

It's absolutely not possible to compare subs.

Famous? What does that even mean really?
If you mean WELL KNOWN then Doug de Muro is well known - he has s**t tons of subs. Hoovies Garage is also well known but he has nowhere near as many.

That's my thoughts anyway.
okay, let me reword the question to match your words.
At what point do you think a channel has a crazy ton of subs? Would you consider a channel with 1,000 a crazy ton of subs? 10k, 100k? 1 Million?

To be clear this isn't a question about liking a channel or comparing sub count.
By YT standards - probably 500k minimum. But for me - I am locally known with only 3k subs. Almost every time I am in the city I hear someone calling Tito Tim. Some come up and talk to me, others comment on my page that they saw me but were too shy to talk. Quite surprising to me, because I know by YT standards 3,800 subs is nothing.

Personally I think 100k. But that is a number that does not even exist in my niche ha ha
@Tito Tims Videos Awesome! Thank you. Your take matters more to me than what YT standards are.

I would really love to hear some other people take too. When do you think someone is famous / how many subs does a channel have to have before you think they have a lot of subs?

@LandyVlad ?
Yeah 500K seems like a big number.

To see anyone with over a million subs though is amazing.

Sadly so often subs are not proportional to talent. :)
So I guess, I personally think 10k subscribers is ALOT of subs. Especially if say 1-10% of your audience is active and commenting. I realize my number is far below the norm based on this conversation but personally, if my friend showed me their channel and said they had 10k subs I would be VERY impressed. Actually, I would be really impressed at 1000 subs if 10% of the audience was active.

So at Vidcon I spoke in front of an audience of about 300 people and everyone on the panel with me was really nervous about speaking in front of "A LOT" of people. But some of them had over 10,000 subs on their channel and they still thought 300 people in real life was a lot of people to speak in front of. Then why is the limit for "ALOT OF SUB" so much higher? Maybe because of no editing and special effects? lol

I think subscriber count is one marker for success on youtube, but I guess you can already tell from my first 2 sentences that I think audience and community engagement are more important.

That being said, I've seen channels with 100,000 subs and only get 50 views per video and have 1 comment on all their videos...

I am locally known with only 3k subs. Almost every time I am in the city I hear someone calling Tito Tim.

Sadly so often subs are not proportional to talent. :)
Well yes :D There's a reason why Youtube weighs watch time over subscriber count nowadays. But 1 thing I've heard is even the channels that are "bad" with a lot of subs are doing something you could learn from if growing a community around your channel is one of your goals.

Almost every time I am in the city I hear someone calling Tito Tim.

Awesome!!! I've been recognized twice in the wild.
I'd say 10k its obtainable and puts you on the map lowkey. Me being friends with them constantly brings people over to follow or to view me.