how long should video intro's be?

10 seconds or less. Anything over that would be a bad idea. One thing that annoys me (and other people, of course) are super long intros that don't get to the point.
Under 10 seconds is the general rule, unless the intro has something very specific in mind, which would make up to 15 or 20 seconds acceptable (in very rare cases!!!). I prefer ones that are 5 seconds or less personally.
I try and work to keep mine between 5-10 seconds because long intros (unless it is actually liked to the video, for example a tv show intro) then people will get bored of having to see a really long intro every time they go onto one of your videos :)
I try and work to keep mine between 5-10 seconds because long intros (unless it is actually liked to the video, for example a tv show intro) then people will get bored of having to see a really long intro every time they go onto one of your videos :)
This was the example I was looking for when I mentioned 20 second intros, spot on. The only time this is really acceptable is when it's linked to the video very specifically, such as a TV show. One of my favorite parts of watching animes is the amazing intros they do, and the music they use in them. I'll watch a 1 minute or longer intro on every episode of my animes no problem, but on YouTube? Hell no XD
This was the example I was looking for when I mentioned 20 second intros, spot on. The only time this is really acceptable is when it's linked to the video very specifically, such as a TV show. One of my favorite parts of watching animes is the amazing intros they do, and the music they use in them. I'll watch a 1 minute or longer intro on every episode of my animes no problem, but on YouTube? Hell no XD
woop woop anime! I'm watching angel beats atm.. their into is like 1 minute and 30 seconds.. but it's so good :')
Well myself i dont rlly prefer intro's :/ In the beginning of the vid yu can better come straight to the point XD But a intro mustnt be over 10 secs bcoz then the viewer gets bored and will just click ya away without even watching the whole vid D: That way yu prevent yourself from getting any views XD So 5 - 10 secs max ;)
for a view to actually count (according you youtube) the viewer has to watch for 30 seconds or over! you don't want to watch half that time with an intro :) or many have a little funny clip from the video just before the intro so you can make them stay for 30 seconds and maybe even the whole video! :D
I structure mine a bit differently.

My main series is a 3 minute game industry hot topic rant. I start with about 10 - 15 seconds of summary telling people what issue I'm talking about this episode and telling them I want to read their comments. Introduce my name and show. Then follows a 5 second After Effects intro with my logo, show title and properly licensed music. Once that's done, the show then runs as normal.

Since I changed to this format from just "intro" straight into video I've had a good increase in comments.
I would say about 10 seconds or less is good, because my interest is loss after a little while. My first video really sucked because it had a long intro and it was boring, so keep it as quick and simple as you can.
It really depends what kind of intro you're aiming for . Usually 10-30 seconds is good. Anything else and you'll be driving subscribers away for such a looooong intro xD
Good luck !