How long should a Let's Play video be?

One thing I notice that ends up happening with a lot of my videos is that part 1 of each series usually starts off really slow, and by the second episode I've really hit my stride and started to be more entertaining. Like on one of the series I just started on, episode 2 and 3 is where I notice during editing I really start getting into it.

Should I maybe do jump cuts past the more boring parts while I'm still getting used to entertaining while playing? There are some parts of my videos I find entertaining even after watching them a dozen times during post-production. But some of those moments don't come until later parts of videos, or even later parts of a series.
Matters on the game. Games that are not really story based like Mario or Sonic 10 min per ep but games that have story or long cutscenes Zelda and Uncharted 20 mins I think