How long do you record and method of editing?

Bomber Brigade

I've Got It
I have a gaming channel and I'm trying to find the most efficient way to record content. The common tip for gaming channels starting out is to have videos under 12 minutes, so when i record i stop every 7-8 minutes and start recording again. After the session I'll already have the files (gameplay and audio) for one video and i just sync them up and at an outro. I'm gonna experiement and just record for 30-60 miuntes and go back and cut and edit parts that are unnecessary.

For other gaming channels how do you record your gameplay and what do you feel is the most efficient way to record gameplay? Advice from non gaming channels are needed too :) I would like everyone's opinion on this topic.
I don't really do gameplay, but I make reviews and news videos. The way I do it is I will record a lot of video A reel and B reel type stuff. After I do that I write out a script, or if I am just going to talk off the cuff (This isn't my typical method but I do it on occasion) After I record the voice over I cut the video to fit what it is i'm talking about. I find this method makes it a lot easier to keep your audio and video cohesive. I your case however it would probably work best to cut together a few clips that feature video you want to talk about. once you have a few minutes of those clips cut together you can record your commentary on top of that.
I've been doing a few playthroughs and i started recording one episode at a time but soon went over to record an hour or two then cut it up in episodes and edit from there
It really depends on what I'm playing, usually I try to just play a single level or mission, this tries to keep things under 15 mins. I usually bulk record one game at a time, started to let some videos stack up in advance..

Some times I go way over when I'm recording , but i don't spend really edit it down unless I've got stuck for ages trying to work out what to do. I'm trying to improve my videos and recording in shorter segments seems to work best... I sometimes set a timer for 15 mins as a reminder to rap up recording
Our contents are different but well we record a lot of videos! sometimes it takes half a day or sometimes a day but well tho it might be a lot it'll still be great because you have back up files in case something goes wrong :) And editing? it depends on what I'm editing if it's skits and vlogs it takes a lot of time because I tend to be mindful of every detail :) but when we're doing reaction videos 30 minutes is good to go
Personally we find batch recordings work best for us, so we sit down for a few hours and do all of our recording trying to keep the recordings around an hour then editing into 30-45 minute videos we've tried doing longer recording sessions but find our commentary often dies down after 4+ hours. We think that the genre of the games you play definitely come into play for video length, but that's just our recording style/commentary style. It's easier to watch longer videos of story based genres like rpgs or action adventure games compared to mobas or matchmaking games but again that's just us.
Alright me personaly who has a gamin channel i will strongly advice you to just record the whole thing that you want to record if it's live then make sure you prep for what you're going to talk about if it's for 5-10-20-30 min and so on, it's really straight forward not hard so it's up to you ;) also when ever u are editing it's key that any ideas u have for the video you put it in if it's a picture a quote or roasting your self because when recording you said something stupid xD other then that mate best of luck and do ya best ^.^ :D
I have totally different content, so my recording is way less involved. Sometimes, there's a lot of setup (especially with the green screen stuff), but for the most part, it takes between a half hour to two hours to record (mostly setting up, especially when I'm cooking) and then about an hour to edit.
Hi buddy! I run a LP channel and I produce daily videos so the time spent recording is a big deal. Usually I record for 20 minutes or more ( time varies depending on the type of the game I'm playing).
And then in the editing I tend to remove some dead air moments but I don't want to remove too much so I prefer to create a balance between recording duration and editing cut.