How I Plan Scripted Videos With A Point?


Posting Mad!
  1. Select a topic that you are familiar with, and have some knowledge about. You may also need to have an opinion about it, and some evidence to back it up.
  2. Jot down a list of main points that you want to focus on. This will allow you split your video up into sections, and give you a focus.
  3. Write a draft script that includes all these point. Don't press the backspace, unless you have misspelt a word and have OCD.
  4. Refine the script. Maybe read bits out loud and see how it sounds. Does it flow nicely? If not, re-write until there is a nice flow.
  5. Take your main points and script. Highlight the words that need to be inflected (emphasized) to help get your message, opinion or point across.
  6. Record!
If during the recording, some bits down sound right, don't be afraid to deviate from the script!
- grrduh

If you do JennaMarbles style comedy but come up w/ writer's block. I'd highly suggest doing a search for "so-relatable," it's a Tumblr blog of ironic little problems people can relate to.
- SpecialFester

Now, I haven't actually made my own video yet using these steps, but I have used them to plan out the script for the one I am working on.
What do you think? Have I missed anything? How do you do it? Did it work?
Great tips! The only other thing I would add would be that if something doesn't sound right when you're recording don't be afraid to change it or deviate from the script if certain parts aren't working.
If you do JennaMarbles style comedy but come up w/ writer's block. I'd highly suggest doing a search for "so-relatable," it's a Tumblr blog of ironic little problems people can relate to.
Good tips. Thanks. I could add that you want to make sure your viewer is hungry for more right until the end of your video. So make sure they have a strong reason to keep watching. For example, don't give away your main prize midway as many viewers will then abandon your video and your audience retention stats will suffer.
I'm currently struggling to script my videos and I think that the way to script depends on the kind of video we make. Personnaly I can't separate scripting from video conception.

exemple with B-roll

If I aim to use a b-roll to illustrate what i'm speaking about I need to consider the lenght of the b-roll when i'm writing the script in order that both what I say and the video will fit perfectly together. Sometimes it's possible to adjust the b-roll's lenght but if not, it's too late. And the result looks obviously much more fluid when b-rolls fit perfectly with the speaking flow without delay.

exemple with environment

It's nice to have a background that fits to the topic, if the topic have several parts then it may be a good idea to change of place for each part. It's more eye catching for the people especially when e speak a lot. Therefore it's good to think about the transition when we are scripting. If the transition is to slow and subtle then it looks weird to have a change of background.

In conclusion scripting is not only about to write what we gonna say but also to "draw" what we gonna see. It looks like more a musicsheet where the text is the song and the notes are the scenes, the b-rolls, the transitions, etc. with some time markers.