How far in advance do you pre-record videos?

At the moment I try to record gameplay footage for the videos I'm going to put out on the Friday/Saturday before, using what's remaining from Saturday and Sunday to at least start editing them up. All things being well I normally at least have my videos for Monday and Wednesday done by then, allowing me to use time during the week to finish up the last one before Friday, and so the cycle begins again :D
I may have overcompensated here but I typically bulk record 3 reviews a fortnight (Purely down to the amount of research that goes into each video its difficult to produce more than that) I currently work to a schedule that (At the time of writing) runs to June of this year. my plan was to get about 3 months ahead of my latest upload and then rest my production down to 2 videos a fortnight and spend the extra time focussing on Advertising, social media and beginning pre-production on a new show for my channel that'll probably go into production at some point next year :)