how does one get custom thumbnails???

No that means you've applied, you have to wait for youtube to get back to you about it. Though I think I read somewhere they're planning to implement it for everyone.
Everyone is a partner now + can monetize their videos.
There's then an even higher level of partnership which gives you thumbs/bigger background/etc

BUT... part of YouTubes new improvements, they're allowing everyone to have thumbnails to accounts in good standing. So0o0o0o they should roll it out soon! :dance:
Everyone is a partner now + can monetize their videos.
There's then an even higher level of partnership which gives you thumbs/bigger background/etc

BUT... part of YouTubes new improvements, they're allowing everyone to have thumbnails to accounts in good standing. So0o0o0o they should roll it out soon! :dance:

I thought it was just a rumour... I can't wait! :D
I know I'm well excited ^-^
Also... we can have start times for our videos too :D
this is a good video some guys chatting about them, half of the changes have already happened

Ok hi guys, i recently been partner from applying and waited for 2 months since i first got onto youtube for the first time and over time you start to get more and more features, a couple days ago i didn't know i was partnered because i might have accidentally deleted it but anyways.

I have these features for the time being:
Live Stream
Unlimited time in all my videos i make
Custom thumbnails

I'm not a hundred percent sure yet about how the system works but i'm guessing you have to hit a milestone that they don't tell you. So like maybe if you get more subscribers or views you'll get more features.