How do you react if you find a movie mistake in an already uploaded video?


I Love YTtalk
I have OCD when it comes to this. Even if it is hardly viable I always want to re-upload. Even if it has loads of views.

Some people can live off the biggest mistakes. I can hardly handle even a small one, I found one in my gameplay where I accidently made one of the cuts a fade when th rest arn't and for some reason that bugs me loads. < I probably have OCD

What do you do?
I have OCD when it comes to this. Even if it is hardly viable I always want to re-upload. Even if it has loads of views.

Some people can live off the biggest mistakes. I can hardly handle even a small one, I found one in my gameplay where I accidently made one of the cuts a fade when th rest arn't and for some reason that bugs me loads. < I probably have OCD

What do you do?
lol I know how you feel. I'm OCD too.
I wouldn't advise re-uploading it. In fact, i wouldn't advise doing anything at all. Just let it be.
If you truly think it is a big deal, you can leave an annotation saying "Sorry about the {insert mistake here}. Won't happen again." or something like that.
in my situation i would take it down burn it then reedit it and then upload it and then reburn it ... and then make it in the bloopers and then tweek some more the prim video so that its perfect ... omg ... does that mean i have ocd as well ? lol YEEEEEEEEEEY I`M ONE OF THE BUNCH hahahaha, dude ... do as you feel right lol ... but not like mr burns fromthe simpsons that he released the hounds in that situation lol
I did play my video through. It looks like you are turning around in the game play but instead I noticed it was a fade cut.

LOL, I think I can live with it as it looks like something else. I wish I was some one who could just say f*ck it though.

Another example, Tomska made a massive mistake in his latest video by typing two wheres in his video. He was just like f*ck it. < I couldn't have done that!
I am unhappy when I find an issue like this but I wont go through say an hour of rendering then an hour and a half of uploading again unless the video is so crucial I have to, say I was getting paid for editing a video, I would go back and fix it. I made a mistake in the accent tag video we done where I left one clip saying one word at the incorrect size, everything else was 100% perfect except that 2 second part but I couldnt go through reuploading etc so I figured I would leave it. I think we all make mistakes and if theyre not too big and we learn from them then its just an experience we have gained something from.
i htink i`m with Michael as well on this one since its not crucial then just burn it once lol