How do you plan your videos

Oh I have heard of Celtx, I must look into that. Is it that good?

It's amazing, yeah. Everything is neatly organized and structured like proper scripts.

We are only A month old but I generally try to upload A video every day sometimes I do A lets play other times it is A tutorial, It depends what I fell like doing that day.
Hi, it's sometimes really hard to have enough time for creating a new video.
During weekdays on the evening I try to edit my videos and additionally think about ideas and write them down. On weekend I record all parts but sometimes I have to re-record some parts on weekdays. Honetsly it's not easy everytime and I am also at the beginning but it's really exciting when you upload your video.
I just make a ton of videos all at once on the days I feel in the mood to vlog (with the exception of holiday vlogs and time-sensitive topics). Then I schedule them out, one every week. I write down every idea I have for videos during the week and then when I have a day off (or have a particularly good hair and makeup day :tongue:) I record a bunch. :)

If you can't keep up with your schedule, you could try posting less often. If you get too stressed about uploading twice a week, you might get burned out and then you won't want to do YouTube for a while! YouTube should be a fun hobby, not a source of stress that piles onto your life responsibilities.
I've done a few vlogs in public, fighting that feeling like you look like an idiot is extremely hard, even after you get going and should in theory calm down, you don't necessarily.

I think I just should keep doing it. I even feel silly vlogging with my friends and family around because I don't want to bother them and I just feel like a pancake when people look at me talking to a camera haha. I love pancakes by the way :p[DOUBLEPOST=1388267244,1388267196][/DOUBLEPOST]
I use a great program called CeltX. It lets you pretty easily format things into scriptwriting.

Then I just quite literally throw ideas on the wall (in the form of post-it-notes) and write it down!
That sounds like a great program, I shall check it out. Thanks[DOUBLEPOST=1388267600][/DOUBLEPOST]
I just make a ton of videos all at once on the days I feel in the mood to vlog (with the exception of holiday vlogs and time-sensitive topics). Then I schedule them out, one every week. I write down every idea I have for videos during the week and then when I have a day off (or have a particularly good hair and makeup day :tongue:) I record a bunch. :)

If you can't keep up with your schedule, you could try posting less often. If you get too stressed about uploading twice a week, you might get burned out and then you won't want to do YouTube for a while! YouTube should be a fun hobby, not a source of stress that piles onto your life responsibilities.

You are totally right. I stepped into vlogmas because I thought it would be fun, but I wasn't really prepared what to expect. Because we don't celebrate Christmas that big, the weeks before Christmas are dull and I really had to make up things for myself to make it interesting for watchers. Next time I do a daily vlogging month I probably will plan things first so I don't feel as stressed to upload everyday because I would have videos on the shelf already.

I'm getting into vlogging a bit now so it'll get easier