How do you plan out an Animated Video?


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

I was wondering how would you go about planning an animated video for your channel? I have got a rough idea fleshed out in a word document which I have had a bit of feedback on (a lot of good feedback), however I have no idea how to develop the idea further nor where to go afterwards. Has anyone who has made animated videos for their channels got any advice on they care to show on how I can take it further?

I know for sure that I need to do a script for it but I don't know if I should attempt something like a storyboard or would it be best to wait until I have the idea fully fleshed out and then see if any animators would like to work on the idea who have the experience on creating images from other peoples or their own ideas?

I should add I cannot animate so once the idea is fully fleshed out and scripted I will probably look for some people to work with on the animations. The idea I have had is in regards to Slenderman and it's a funny explanation on some of the games.
I did a cartoon once. We recorded all the audio first, then edited that together. I drew up story boards for every shot, and handed it off to a friend to animate because there wasn't a chance in hell I was gonna do it. It seems hard.

Good luck to you.