How do you like to keep track of your ideas?

If I'm outside or away from my laptop when I think of it, I'll write it down in my phone's notepad. Then when I do get back to my laptop, I'll write it down in the file I made specifically for YT video ideas. ^.^ I'm always worried I'll forget them.
I carry a pen and notepad with me daily everywhere I go. I also have my phone for digital recording, photos, emails to myself to remind, etc. I use google calendar and google docs, as well as a spreadsheet of todos. I use filters in gmail to filter my inbox from all of the requests I get for videos.
To be honest I don't really come up with ideas - I get companies contacting me via YouTube wanting to send me stuff for review.
I then keep a list of everything I'm expecting, and the review schedule (as I work on a first in first served basis) using the notes app on my phone, which is sync'd with my laptops.

Have a backlog of reviews to get through at the moment, so no need to think up any ideas just yet!
I keep a schedule on a google document as well as all of the random ideas I want to schedule in the future but don't know what day I'll do them on.

I have most stuff scheduled for waaay into the year since I know the specific dates when certain movies/shows/games come out that I want to vlog about.
I put them in a notepad on my phone. But the really big ideas I don't write down, I let them fester in my brain until they are ready to come out of the oven. Then I write a script.