How do you like to keep track of your ideas?


I Love YTtalk
I'm personally keeping them down in Google Keep, but I have just one for a list of vlog ideas, then one for series, ect. I like it, it's nice and simple, but it seems as time goes on it could be troublesome. Guess I could just delete them as I go.

What do you do?
I write them down instantly, on my phone, a sticky note, my tablet, w/e.
If I don't I WILL forget them.
Writing them down also helps me quickly know whether I've thought it through enough.
I open a new word file, write down what ever comes into my mind.
Then I save it, close it and later I might write a proper script out of it.
I write my video ideas/tag questions or challenges
Down on my phones or tablet
Don't want to have a good idea and forget it haha