How do you get your ideas for videos?

Hey so I'm running short on video ideas, I was wondering if you could tell me how you get your inspiration for videos.
I make vlog sort of videos, you can check out my channel and see if you have any suggestions for me personally. But any suggestions will help me so much.
thank you xxx
They just come out of nowhere, normally from experiences in day to day life

theres also like a million tag videos out there so if you ever need a topic just use one of those
A good question! The creative process is so difficult to pin down for a number of reasons. Primarily because it is based on your own life's experiences. You could use prompts, or writing groups, parody existing material, or just throw a curve ball. The most important thing is that you have passion about it. If you don't like what you are creating, in the end you won't make decent stuff. Just go with what feels natural to you and I'm sure you will have a good time!
For me, anytime something strikes me as funny (or even frustrating) I try to think of a way to share that point of view in a video. So just look for points in a conversation (online or IRL) or interesting things you've read or watched... and consider ways to share that with your viewers. Also I've heard established YouTubers talk about finding your voice, so be fair to yourself and allow enough time for that too.
Majority of my ideas come when I'm laying in bed about to go to sleep, or in the shower. I just think of something happening in my life, and try to think of ideas that's based around that.

Sometimes if I am having trouble thinking of an idea, I'll look at other channels that create content similar to mine. If I see a video that catches my attention, I may make a video on the same topic, but make it my own. (In other words, don't copy them).
I usually sit on the toilet and grunt and push as hard as I can until an idea comes out. Usually some nasty stuff comes with the really hard ideas that you have to grunt and push a lot harder but usually it comes out clean and smooth. Try to eat a lot of fiber and you can get most ideas out quick!