How do you get over this?

well, im not sure if anyone else has had this problem but i get nervous when i go to vlog...not because im uncomfortable infront of the camera but more because im uncomfortable someone walking by might hear me vlogging?

Its a little weird but i'm not really sure how to get over it, so i can talk louder and be more myself!

i used to be like that then i thought who give's a SH!T. If they have a problem with me vlogging they will let me know but in the end it should matter if one person hears you when it might be viewed online by half the population of the world :O
well, im not sure if anyone else has had this problem but i get nervous when i go to vlog...not because im uncomfortable infront of the camera but more because im uncomfortable someone walking by might hear me vlogging?

Its a little weird but i'm not really sure how to get over it, so i can talk louder and be more myself!
The walls in my apartment are extremely thin so i tend to talk really quietly and detract from my personality because i don't want to bother anyone and i am semi scared of the opinion that people would have of me if they knew i was talking to a camera in my room i really like this post.
just forget about everyone else and just thinking about the camera and talking into the camera :) you're making these vlogs for people to watch so it doesn't matter if people here you recording them :) everyone knows people vlog and that its a big thing on youtube and the internet so it's not like they won't have seen something like this before :)

This is good advice thanks, i'm going to try to remember this ! :) Its true i suppose it wont seem abnormal to anyone haha.[DOUBLEPOST=1366667312,1366667216][/DOUBLEPOST]
That's pretty normal, billions of people are a bit shy in public!
I guess just go with it and don't care what other people think!
Right! I will have to remind myself of this when i go to vlog next xD[DOUBLEPOST=1366667380][/DOUBLEPOST]
Well before you go 'live' try practising in front of a mirror. Why? Because you can study your face. Think of yourself, when vlogging, as an actor. You need to be expressive, professional. Speak out your vlog in front of a mirror. Once you're comfy doing that, do it in front of the camera :)

I'm going to try this next time :P ! Thanks for the great advice <3
This is good advice thanks, i'm going to try to remember this ! :) Its true i suppose it wont seem abnormal to anyone haha.
whenever I go to london I see hundreds of people vlogging and taking self pictures on there phones, in todays word living and remembering your life in pictures and videos is just totally normal :) and with all the apps and things on smartphones that encourage all of these things its becoming so common to see these things :) just keep up the vlogging if you enjoy it and if people ask what you're doing just give them a link to you channel ;)
I hate vlogging with anyone in the house. I've found out that eventually people just stop picking on you about it. Sometimes you talk to a camera and they gotta get over that eventually ;)
Well first I look in the mirror, squint, and then I go into montage mode. I do my vlogging exercises to the Rocky theme song. I finish by running up some stairs, then vlogging there, all sweaty and nasty...

Honestly, I am still getting used to the camera, my secret has been making fake vlogs that I'm not going to upload, now me knowing that makes it easier, but after the practice, doing it to be uploaded is easier.
I've done this several times but switch the rocky theme song to the Pokemon theme song 1st season of course.