How do you get exposure?

At least if you are a gamer, I feel the easiest way to get exposure is to livestream as often as possible.
I usually pick up 1-20 new subs for every stream. Depending on what game I am playing. When I did Minecraft I usually got 10-20 new subs every time, but I have stopped with Minecraft now.
Where are you live streaming outta curiosity? Twitch, YouTube?
Interact in the community not just leave a link because people react negatively when you just pop in and drop a link.

I agree. Don't just come in for the sole purpose of self-promotion. That said:

Join in and post on sites/forums/subreddits/social media that are related to your content. If they're fine with self-promotion, then go ahead; but of course don't do it annoyingly too often. Certain sites have rules though, especially forums; be sure to follow them. You can always leave your channel link in your signature though. Be a part of the community and be seen!, I suppose.
this is a tough question. i feel like you just got to continue to produce quality content and make sure your descriptions and tags are set up. If you have social media make sure to let people know you have a new video and just dont quit
Grow your social media platforms. Find out which ones work best for you. Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, Pinterest. Get involved with forums that are similar in your niche. Also, bookmarking sites are great to use like Digg and StumbleUpon.
Grow your social media platforms. Find out which ones work best for you. Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, Pinterest. Get involved with forums that are similar in your niche. Also, bookmarking sites are great to use like Digg and StumbleUpon.
Is stumpleUpon still usefull?
I make content that's meaningful to me and promote myself in a way that inspires others! I've been doing YouTube for nearly 10 years now and consistency is key I've found!