How do YOU come up with your video ideas?

Having a format to follow really helps with just coming up with a topic. I keep a lil black book of ideas in my bag so when I think of something I can write it. So I have a backlog of ideas to go with.
Steal your parents liquor, and climb to the roof.
Hey... Don't doubt it until you try it. It definitely worked for me.

My ideas usually just come to me in the most awkward of situations. Hardly ever are they inspired by something that happened to me in real life. I'm weird like that.
I'm not looking for video ideas, I just want to know how YOU GUYS come up with your video ideas. Do they just come to you? Or do you ask subscribers to send you ideas? Let me know![DOUBLEPOST=1389067591,1389067531][/DOUBLEPOST]omgsh now i feel stupid cause this is already a forum post
A lot of my videos are random and I just pull out my camera.... I'd say my best videos are this type. Others I try to think of the angles, effects, and content I want to capture. My most planned out videos tend to be my slow motion compilations (belly flops, dogs playing, dog wiggles, etc) just because most of the time on those videos, the whole point is to do slow motion, so you want a good shot. Creative GoPro mount videos also take some planning, I just try to get angles not so often seen, like my GoPro Doggy Rawhide Cam video. Honestly, I'd say my most successful videos were random pull the camera out and shoot videos.
it honestly depends sometimes it by watching other people videos or i am sometimes doing someting & i think of an idea for youtube
Coming up with ideas is usually the hardest part. Once I have an idea, my passion drives me to complete it. Before I was doing films, and focusing on gaming videos, I would come up with unique ideas that no one was doing, such as incorporate my subscribers into the games I was playing. I'd actually play games where you could name subscribers in the game, and that was a hit. A lot of my subscribers loved coming back to watch the next episode incase they were in it.

A lot of times I'll watch a lot of my competition and see what they are doing, then come up with new and original ideas based off of that. If your competition is doing something already, you don't really want to do the same thing as some might see it as you taking their idea. This could happen even if you never saw their content before. However, there is so many videos on YouTube, that original ideas are hard to come by.

Now that I'm doing films, I watch a lot of films on YouTube to get ideas, but I work with a screenplay writer who writes most of my screenplays. Machinima takes a long time to produce and if I were to write the scripts as well, I'd never get anything done. The scripts that I do write, however, I start off by picking the genre of the film such as comedy, action, drama, etc. From there I choose the setting such as futuristic, wasteland, current day, or whatever the case may be. Then I start to think of the plot, what the film is going to be about. How many characters I'm going to introduce, and the background for those characters. After that I start writing the script.

I could go on for hours about this but I'm getting off topic. Basically, I do a lot of research, and then tell a story that I'd enjoy telling. In your case since you do vlogs, check out other people who do comedy vlogs, and then come up with something funny and original.
I try to sleep, but then my insomnia kicks in and something will pop into my head. Tip: Write it down so you can get to sleeeeeppzzz zzz