How do people get custom URLs so early?

just keep doing what you like to do and eventually you'll get there :) also your channel isn't linked here right. I can't get to it from your page, just in case you didn't know that :)
Wow, you're right! Thanks for the heads up I'll fix that real quick! Not sure what happened I thought it worked before!
No problem, these forums really do help you grow so be sure just to stay active on here it really does help :)

Will do! I'm not sure that I'm understanding what is going on here.

My URL is: /channel/UCMJlgnaNyYWJeywrF1N-BbA

But when I click the link at the bottom of my posts it goes to: /c/UCMJlgnaNyYWJeywrF1N-BbA

Why are these two different places and how can I fix this?

Yours appears to have a similar but opposite problem from my end :-/ It goes to /channel instead of /c and there's nothing there.

EDIT: Nevermind I figured it out with mine. Found the option in the profile. It would seem that yours needs changed though.

Maybe you'll see this some time. It went to awaiting moderation for some reason and I can't delete it and post again. Sorry. Way to kill the conversation automated spam filtering...
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Will do! I'm not sure that I'm understanding what is going on here.

My URL is: /channel/UCMJlgnaNyYWJeywrF1N-BbA

But when I click the link at the bottom of my posts it goes to: /c/UCMJlgnaNyYWJeywrF1N-BbA

Why are these two different places and how can I fix this?

Yours appears to have a similar but opposite problem from my end :-/ It goes to /channel instead of /c and there's nothing there.

EDIT: Nevermind I figured it out with mine. Found the option in the profile. It would seem that yours needs changed though.

Maybe you'll see this some time. It went to awaiting moderation for some reason and I can't delete it and post again. Sorry. Way to kill the conversation automated spam filtering...
You're link is working now :) and i fixed mine too, thanks for letting me know i had no idea
The old /user/username custom urls used to be available to everyone, but you had to know where they were buried in the YouTube settings. Back in like 2007, I think I remember that username was what we logged in with, but around 2010 or so they changed it to using an email address. in late 2014 or early 2015 they stopped allowing the /user/username custom URLs and started offering the /c/newusername custom URLs. They were available for everyone in early 2015, but quickly became limited to channels with a certain number of subscribers (I thought it was 500, but maybe it's 100??). There was a small window of time where new channels could get the /c/ custom url without subscriber requirements, but I think it has changed since then... =/