how do i upload a 1 hour vid to my yt channel

I have my account for 2 years and it was allowed to upload longer videos before I started uploading. Maybe send an email, asking if you could have longer videos.
While the YouTube Help really points out that if you are a new User you have to ask them to be able to upload longer Videos it`s true that some of the older YouTube Accounts got that Option from the Beginning. YouTube had changed a few Times the Accounts Settings in the past and indeed I do remember that there was even once a Class that did allow you to upload longer Videos from Day One of YouTube.

As already stated - If you are a new YouTuber provide unique Content, gain enough Views and you should get that Option sooner then you probably will think.
While the YouTube Help really points out that if you are a new User you have to ask them to be able to upload longer Videos it`s true that some of the older YouTube Accounts got that Option from the Beginning. YouTube had changed a few Times the Accounts Settings in the past and indeed I do remember that there was even once a Class that did allow you to upload longer Videos from Day One of YouTube.

As already stated - If you are a new YouTuber provide unique Content, gain enough Views and you should get that Option sooner then you probably will think.
True, the directors could upload longer videos.

I can not believe how I would feel if I would be restricted to 15 minutes right now. That would be awful :(
That would be awful :(

15. Minutes are enough to create a Review about everything I can think of. If you choose your Words wisely and cut a Video well together you could pretty much cover everything that needs to be said in that Time and still have the possibility to use every Ad Format that YouTube does currently offer.

Also don`t forget that many don`t really watch an Video that is longer then 15 Minutes till the End. I once created a Gameplay Trailer that had a length of One Hour and it got Viral. After one Month it had 500.000 Views but only 1/3 had watched it longer then 30.Minutes.

Whenever I create a Gameplay Trailer that is longer then 15. Minutes I ask myself the following Question:

Why would someone watch the Trailer longer then 15. Minutes?

If I don`t find an answer to that Question I usually cut it shorter (10.Minutes or even shorter).