How do I get more views and subs?


Active Member
I've been pumping videos out at a steady rate, and my subscriber count is higher than ever(10)! But I would really enjoy if I could get my channel out there more. Any tips or ideas? Thanks!
Keep making contents, if you don't regularly make contents no ones gonna notice. The easiest way to expand your audience is to network with channels or friends similar to your level. Consistency is the key, if you keep making good videos someone is gonna notice. Also always keep in touch with your viewers. ;)
When I started out I used to have 5 subs, and i'd get 3 views on my videos (Me, and my 2 friends). The trick is to not stop. If you're pumping them out at a steady rate that you're comfortable with, keep doing it!

Just don't give up. If you love it, people will notice it eventually. Just, don't be so concerned with the numbers. If you have 10 views, good job! You are now making videos for 10 people. If those 10 people comment, you respond, every single time. If people like you, they'll promote you without you even asking.

I hope that helps.
Advertise your videos threw Facebook & Twitter! Also get your friends and family to watch to. In time your fanbase will grow.
Be active within THIS forum and the Youtube community! Find channels that make like content and comment like crazy and show some love and support to those people. This forum is especially good have helping with Subscriptions because everyone is generally supportive and helpful. If the content speaks for itself people on here will sub and give you really good feedback.

Do Collaborations with other people this crosses your audiences with a friend and is potential to create subscribers.

Overall DON'T stop, keep making content eventually someone will find it and like it and sub.
Yo, before saying all the obvious stuff as everyone else did. You might wanna take a second and start by adding more keywords. You have like...7...

"amnesia dark decent" // but you don't have : amnesia, dark, decent "dark decent" "amnesia game"

Or whatever else you wanna add in there. Slapping on "HORROR" as one of you KWs (out of 7) is not gonna be pulling in massive views, as it is so generic and can be applied to so many things. Aim at some direct KW combinations for your main target, and add some more random or generic or whatever you can think of KW.

There is plenty of space, use it.

It won't bring in 1xxxxxx views... but might help you make it further than 9 views on this video.

Advertise your videos threw Facebook & Twitter! Also get your friends and family to watch to. In time your fanbase will grow.

Not everyone even remotely cares about gaming dude... Probably why it is not growing very fast. He has to go after niche specific audience not just random people.
There's an advice that should be said more :


This may sound like Marketing 101 but here's the point : Would you buy a can of Cola if the can was completely white with "SODA" writting in black bold letters on the front? Nope

Now your default tab is featured and your latest video is on autoplay , that's good ! You don't realise the number of channels that wants to make it and still have their default tab as "Feed" :P

So :

- Add a background, a good one.

- Add links to your Twitter/Facebook/Google+ (Go to Google+, yes there's no-one there but Google is starting to use Google+ results as search results it's a nice way to broadcast your stuff.) to the right boxes.

- Add 5/6 friends channels on your sub box and tell them to do the same, whenever someone subscribes to one of you, they will be presented with the others channel --> Viral promotion.

- Add your "uploaded videos" at the bottom of your latest autoplay video , that way we directly have the thumbnail to click another video --> Less click to watch more content -> More viewers.
Thanks a lot guys! I got a lot of really helpful tips from this that I'm going to start working on immediately. I appreciate all the help you guys have given me and here's hoping it works!