How did you get your intros?

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YTtalk's Chicken Salad
How did you get your intros? Did someone else make them for you or did you make it yourself? If so, what program did you make it with?
I made mine. And either cinema 4d, Adobe after effects, Adobe flash, Just any editing program. You just need to think about how you want your intro to look like. Have an idea and then look what program's you need for it and if you can pull it off yourself. If not try to contact anyone who is more experienced and willing to help.
Bought one, didn`t quite like it (was good just not what I was looking for) so bought another (waiting for it to be done)

Where from?

I don't really use intros, or if I do I like to make them informative and relevant to the actual video ie. explaining what the video is about etc, rather then the same intro for every video.....
I had to go on a might quest and slay a dragon.. inside the dragon was the key to a castle.. I took the key entered the castle and stole my intro from a Giant.
I made mine. And either cinema 4d, Adobe after effects, Adobe flash, Just any editing program. You just need to think about how you want your intro to look like. Have an idea and then look what program's you need for it and if you can pull it off yourself. If not try to contact anyone who is more experienced and willing to help.
I used to be really into flash animating. I have all those programs exept for cinema 4d. for mine i just used my teaser trailer, which u can find on my channel
Where from?

I don't really use intros, or if I do I like to make them informative and relevant to the actual video ie. explaining what the video is about etc, rather then the same intro for every video.....
A designer :p There`s loads on YouTube.
Look for one that fits your style of intro and doesn`t charge like 100$ an hour :D
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