How did you first come across YouTube?

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well first i watched stuff on i think that was all the rave back in the earlly 2000's when the net era boomed.. then someone sent me this video on msn of these two crazy kids singing the Pokemon theme, i believe that was my first experience with youtube,i may have watched something else first but those two kids where the most memorable video....oh yeah,those two crazy kids ..yeah it's Smosh those youtube dinosaurs! hahaha i've been a member since 2006 which is wierd you'd think i would have uploaded the videos im uploading today back then,but instead we put all these videos on a dvd and sold them for 10 bucks a pop LOL!!! we made over 100 bucks hahahaha. we where young...and stupid...haha. but yeah! glad to be making movies again,and putting them on youtube!!
WOOOOW.... That's just... I don't know how to explain why, but it's incredibly fascinating to me.
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