How can i improve?!

There's nothing wrong with your content. Your setup is quite professional. I'll tell you a trick that managed to get me alot of views on my channel. Talk about something that's trending. Those videos tend to get alot of views quickly.
Like it was stated before, current topics get you known NOW. Then once you have a viewer base that watches you just for you, then you can move onto lesser known items. If you're a gamer, as much as I hate saying it, play a game that PewDiePie just recently played. People will be searching for it and you may pop up in their searches.
Like it was stated before, current topics get you known NOW. Then once you have a viewer base that watches you just for you, then you can move onto lesser known items. If you're a gamer, as much as I hate saying it, play a game that PewDiePie just recently played. People will be searching for it and you may pop up in their searches.
yeah good point! thanks for your help - I'll have to start being more current with my videos! :)
yeah good point! thanks for your help - I'll have to start being more current with my videos! :)
I thought I had my viewer base, but as I started doing lesser known games those videos basically died. I'm going to have to start doing trending items also again XD.
Whilst your channel is small, promotion is key, keep active on all the YouTube forums you can find, advertise your videos on Facebook and twitter. Also, do tag videos that all the big YouTubers are currently doing, they are more likely to be found. And, covering current topics that are on the news, or huge celeb stories people are gossiping about, are also good to cover. And lastly, don't give up! Building up a loyal audience takes a long time for most of us, just keep going and have fun! :D
Whilst your channel is small, promotion is key, keep active on all the YouTube forums you can find, advertise your videos on Facebook and twitter. Also, do tag videos that all the big YouTubers are currently doing, they are more likely to be found. And, covering current topics that are on the news, or huge celeb stories people are gossiping about, are also good to cover. And lastly, don't give up! Building up a loyal audience takes a long time for most of us, just keep going and have fun! :D
awesome! I will take this on board! :D thank you!
Your videos are great, I subbed to you. Don't worry, I felt the same way when I first started. I didn't have many videos, but I made up for the lack of quantity with quality. I mean I hope they were quality. Well my earlier videos were pretty bad. I can't even say my videos are that amazing right now, maybe average...

BACK TO THE POINT. Once you gain a some traction, you will take off. Market, market, market. Get people you know to subscribe to you first, then network. Find people who do similar stuff, and connect with them. Collaborate.