High Page Views Low Earnings?

Jason Ingersoll

ingerock productions
So I checked my adsense account and I have a pretty high page view today not sure why but it may be my most ever and a pretty low adsense earning. Any reason why I would have such low earnings on high views? My guess is most of my views are mobile which I do not have the ability to show ads for. You guys have any guesses?
does that mean the ads that play before the video? sorry if i dont know what that means. and do ppl not have to click on it for you to earn?

yah true view is better then the banner ads. Its when the videos play before your video starts. You have more of a chance to make money with tru view then banner ads. Banner ads pay more but its extremely rare that anyone cares to click however people will watch a movie trailer or something that is tailored to them. They are quite enjoyable sometimes.
yah true view is better then the banner ads. Its when the videos play before your video starts. You have more of a chance to make money with tru view then banner ads. Banner ads pay more but its extremely rare that anyone cares to click however people will watch a movie trailer or something that is tailored to them. They are quite enjoyable sometimes.
hmm... interesting because i actually assumed the opposite. when i watch a video and the ad plays before im like "ugh a commercial. skip." but i figure if the ad is along the bottom of the screen, ppl will know they dont have to sit through a commercial every time they click on my video, (even though u can skip it in 4 seconds somehow it feels like the longest 4 seconds of my life) and maybe if the ad is just there during the video they might glance down at it, and if they see something theyre interested in, they might click it.
hmm... interesting because i actually assumed the opposite. when i watch a video and the ad plays before im like "ugh a commercial. skip." but i figure if the ad is along the bottom of the screen, ppl will know they dont have to sit through a commercial every time they click on my video, (even though u can skip it in 4 seconds somehow it feels like the longest 4 seconds of my life) and maybe if the ad is just there during the video they might glance down at it, and if they see something theyre interested in, they might click it.

lol you would be surprised. If the viewer sticks around for at least ten seconds after the skip you can earn between 4-20 cents and maybe more depending on the ads. I hear political ads pay the lowest thought like .01 cents per view
lol you would be surprised. If the viewer sticks around for at least ten seconds after the skip you can earn between 4-20 cents and maybe more depending on the ads. I hear political ads pay the lowest thought like .01 cents per view
wait wait wait... even if the viewer skips the ad, you still get earnings if they watch the video for at least 10 seconds???