Help with Series Strategies


Active Member
Hello All!

I am a video game YouTuber and I need some advice on games that are more plot driven.

Should I choose one game and focus on that game until the plot is over or should I have a few series going on at one time?

I am currently making the effort to post twice a day as I have a lot of free time to create content, but I feel I have seen different methods of sticking to one game or having more variety. I want to be known as a variety gamer as I will try just about anything at least once and I am looking for feedback on how to best continue to grow my channel. I am still in the infancy of my experience so if I can create a brand of having variety or playing one until its done settled now I think that would help a lot!

Thanks for your advice in advanced!
Easiest thing for you (and your audience) is to focus on one thing. Get into your groove and from there you can expand.
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I personally like to watch one series at a time, but at the same time I like channels that have more than one series running at once... Doesn't mean I have any series running on my channel, other than the sick no win streak I got going in Fortnite lol
how about while playing one, during a series episode, ask if anyone is interested in (second game) and that you might play that after, and look out for any interest in comments