Help me name my new channel

Patrick Harris

You see what I did there?
As some of you guys know, my current channel was "click bombed", and adsense decided to shut down my channel. I can still make videos, but I will never be able to make money from them again. So, I have decided to start a NEW channel that hopefully you guys will take a few moments to subscribe to when its ready. I will be doing my videos from primarily from this point on.

What I need from you guys is a need is a new channel name. Once I have that, I can get started. Right now I'm seriously considering SOCIALCOMMENTARIES. But I am open to any suggestions you might have. My channel will primarily be tackling down to Earth, relateable real life situations (like "ow to last longer in bed" and "men and women can't be friends").

I've found that the people on this forum are friendly and helpful, so I'm asking for your help now. Help me come up with an awesome name for my channel. If the name you pick is available and I use it, I will post a link to your channel in EVERY VIDEO I DO. FOREVER.
No, I recently decided to discuss current events though. I will mostly be doing social commentary type videos that can be informative, but still entertaining and funny (see the video in my sig as an example)
BreakingWithPatrick (Breaking = breaking news)

Can you believe there are ALL taken?

Someone on my Facebook page suggested "PHImbalanced"
