Per D
Not necessarily. MCNs often have allot of people and channels working together. Some popular ones include Polaris and Rooster Teeth if I'm not mistaken. Because there's so much interactions between the creators there can be drama which dedicated fans keeping up on gossip and what-not like. Thus if you spin the video in a way that sounds controversial or like you could possibly be revealing secrets about how they work then some dedicated fans of MCNs might flock to it to get caught up on this juicy piece of, potential, gossip. However, be sure not to attack MCNs to harshly unless you are okay with negative feedback and/or hate messages. Attacking big names will get you lots of views but the hate mail could run you into the ground and probably wont help your channel grow much. Those who would support you, as the underdog, would probably become very loyal so it wouldn't be all bad going the "attacking" route. Though I don't recommend it at all. Go for gossip or a breakdown of how it works instead.Definitely the first 2 since multi channel network would be geared towards youtube creators
Another thing, I don't think this video would appeal to youtube creators at all as most people who are in MCN don't give a darn about your opinion and thus wont watch the video and there's a very small and niche audience of creators who're actually interested in MCNs as they're focused more on their own channels and stuff that applies to the "everyday man". So, in my opinion, depending on how you promote the video and what it's title/endcard are this could be the best of the three. Just ... be careful.