HELP! I have no Idea how to 'brand' my channel?


I've Got It
Hello YTTalk, I've recently got into YouTubing (about a month), and I want to get more serious about it. What steps should I take to make my channel more professional?
Lower the volume of music, make your speech be on the foreground.

Work on your graphics. Avatar is great, but I'd make full light blue color instead of a circle. Also, the text is poorly placed on your banner. On my screen it's too small and it's placed on the bottom of the image - looks bad.
Alright, let me check you out brb[DOUBLEPOST=1445361235,1445355188][/DOUBLEPOST]Okay here it is! lol

Being that you are fairly new to this you have plenty of room for error and time to correct some of these issues. I'll start with the good things you have so far.

Channel Avatar/Banner:
the fact that these two things match and look as if you put effort into them is a good start.

You seem to have a good on camera personality and are a like-able character, this will help you gain subs that are returning because of you and not the topic or content you offer; which is good and helps build a community around the content you offer.

And now for the opportunities! :-)

Channel Trailer- I think you could benefit from a channel trailer to give people a good idea of what your channel is about rather than having your most recent video in the trailer spot.

Channel Banner- Your banner does look well put together and appears to have some thought and intent but it doesn't really tell me what your channel is about at first glance. It says "Daaave uploading on Wednesdays and weekends" but what are you uploading? maybe due to the fact that your channel is in its infancy you haven't figured out what your target audience is or what you offer but I would recommend giving it serious thought and then conveying that theme to your potential audience through your branding.

Video THMBnails- I give you an A for effort in attempting to have a custom thumbnail but I would either recommend going to an GFX designer that can come up with some thumbnails that are customizable and unique to you or spending some time on the net learning photoshop. Once you have come up with a logo or signature look build that into your brand and thumbnails going forward so that your videos are easily identifiable.

Playlists- Get some playlists going that showcase your content on the channel page. The idea is to have your content laid out perfectly for people to get a good idea of what you offer and make a decision to watch and sub. This may also come after you have identified how to categorize your content. Once again give it some more thought and make it easy for people to sub.

Annotations/Cards- I watched a few videos and didn't find and annotations or cards, i recommend using them to redirect traffic to your premiere or new content.

Outro/ Call to Action- This is a must you have to have a call to action to funnel your unsubscribed viewers to your most recent content and to subscribe to your channel.

Video Concepts/Ideas- I wold say that you would benefit from changing your location from time to time in your videos. The goal is to make your visuals dynamic and keep the audience in tune with not only what you are saying but what they are seeing. Vlogs are starting to evolve people are using drones and different angles to keep their audience engaged. I am not saying go out and buy a quadcopter tho for now just play with different angles and locations.

Hopefully this came across constructive, if you need a good example of anything that I suggested check my channel out. I also have a review my channel post check it out and give me your feedback>
thank you all so much for the help, I think I know what direction to go in now. After I update a few things would you guys be willing to look back on my channel again?