Help! :( I Get Views But No Subs

hmm your videos are quite good. But in these days, good content does not pay the price IF you don't promote promote promote! There are thousands of videos on youtube, and it will be very hard to find your videos if people don't even know about them. And if you can, do collaborations (dualcoms) with other youtubers around the similar level as your channel to share subscribers:) It's a win win situation for both of you. Good luck~
Be patient ur views and subs are just fine ^_^ I have 43 subs and 141 views XD But thats not the point XD Just keep uploading and u will come there! ;) Succes needs work and patience :D
Im stuck in the "unnoticed hell" aswell, i've got 33 subs, of which 20-25 are irl mates lol. Almost zero comments and likes xD. But hey, i've been in the game for about 2 months so nothing much more expected either :tongue: