Help! How do I deal with my split audience?!


New Member
Hi everyone thanks for creating this forum for people to ask advice.

I've been a YouTuber for a few years now but only recently have I started putting out daily content and taking it seriously. The problem is when I started I made many videos about health that went totally viral such as one vieo that has 130k view and others with 20k+ view both of which are about health topics.

about 70% of my 2k subs come from about 3 videos and I have nearly 70. But the rest of the content isn't about health and its the kind of content I enjoy doing instead and I see the people that came for health have no care for it and leave or simply stop watching all of my videos.

I am starting a new channel where I will post all of my health videos old and new but since my other video's are viral I will keep getting an influx of people to my other channel who will leave fairly quickly. Obviously it would be better for both of us if they are able to see and rely on regular relevant content and me keeping subs.

I have already made a video talking about the merger but im considering deleting and re-uploading the viral video's on my other channel. Would this be a good idea or should I keep the video's and keep remning people to transfer. The adsense isn't a lot but I have lost many subs because of the split so I think making a fresh start would be better since im sure they will be popular even if re-uploaded due to their unique content.

Thanks for reading I look forward to any advice
It seems like having you old channel be your health related channel and starting a new channel for your new content would have been easier. But I assume youre asking the question because you're pretty far along on your new channel. Far along enough to have gotten 30% new subscribers for it.

I would say just develop a quick simple speech to put at the beginning of videos saying that if they've come here looking for your health related content they should click a card and go over to your health channel, and then really drive home the point about what your new content is about and that they might like it if they check some out. I don't think I would make videos that are driving in new potential viewers private even if it is hurting your viewer retention or leading to some unsubscribers. I would just let that all sort itself out over time.
Thanks for the response. It makes sense since the regulars for the other content don't mind watching both so I'll replied the recent months since they have few comments.

Cheers[DOUBLEPOST=1532096752,1532096735][/DOUBLEPOST]Thanks for the response. It makes sense since the regulars for the other content don't mind watching both so I'll replied the recent months since they have few comments.

I wouldn't consider 20k view video's viral or even 120k

but anyway if 70 % of your subs are from those 3 video's it makes more sense to move your other stuff off to another channel make a video explaining what your doing so your subs that do watch your other content will know. make it as easy as possible for them to move over to the new channel. include links ect in the description.