Help! Audio Out of Sync


Hey Guys,

I am a new Youtuber and new to this forum. I have been having issues with the audio being out of sync with my videos. Within the editing software I am using, the video and audio appear to be in sync but once I export the file the two are out of sync. I have done a bit of research and could it possibly have to do with the frame rates the different cameras I am using record in? Any help would be much appreciated!

A little background:

- I am using the free version of Lightworks for editing (will take any suggestions if you know of any better free alternatives)

- I am using three different cameras to record the footage and using all of there built in mics for recording the audio. I am using an other Sony camera to record the on-bike footage. I am using my iPhone 5S to record the outside off-bike footage. I am using a Logitech HD webcam/ windows 10 camera software to record the sitting down section at the table ( I am thinking of just using the iPhone for this in the future).

The last two uploaded videos on my Youtube channel are the ones of concern and you can view them there.

Thanks for the help and let me know if any more information is needed!