Have You Ever?

Definitely the Unicorn, what happened was the unicorn got in a battle with a chimeria and lost its legs (all the unicorns in the world) and they had to adapt to breathing underwater...then evolution took hold.
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+1 derail count x'DDD
Have you ever thought that unicorns are a crossbreed of narwhal and a horse?

Which came first, the narwhal or the unicorn
duck + beaver ≠ platypus lol teacher had to stop class to explain this to my class mate
Hey thanks for the question, I've already made the video now though sorry! You can watch it here "/watch?v=7626VnecQaE"

I'll keep it in mind for another video but I will answer it now for you, I'm English and we don't have smores, but when I did have smores when I was in America it was with Hershey's (and Hershey's is so so so so disgusting) but then one of my friends got posted some Cadbury's chocolate (English chocolate, not as nice as Galaxy chocolate though) and then they were okay :D