Have You Ever?


Hi Guys thinking for my next video doing a "Have you ever ____ ?" video. Think this is a good idea? And if so, any questions you want to ask?

The other option is 25 random facts about myself, which do you think would probably be the most entertaining to watch?
Hi Guys thinking for my next video doing a "Have you ever ____ ?" video. Think this is a good idea? And if so, any questions you want to ask?

The other option is 25 random facts about myself, which do you think would probably be the most entertaining to watch?
have you ever sounds awesome you should definitely do that and then do the other one after i will be looking out for bit as it sounds really cool. Hope i helped.
Have you ever fapped with the door open when your parents were home?
Have you ever danced on table when not being drunk?
Have you ever done a backflip in ze air?
Have you ever taken a s**t in the airplane then realized there is no toilet paper?
Have you ever rolled down from a big hill and not vomited?
Have you ever felt like doing a victory dance everytime you succeeded with something?

Well i suck at these.
Okay guys :D! Have you ever it is and so far "have you ever rode a hippe backwards while shooting crocodiles with a paintball gun" Is the one on the list.

Any others (: ?
I'll mention your YouTube names when answering the questions btw, so if people like the questions they can head on over to see if the creators are the same as the weirdness ;)
Have you ever thought that Narwhals are a crossbreed of dolphins and unicorns?
Have you ever thought, why am i not hitting on this girl?
Have you ever friendzoned someone?
Have you ever been friendzoned?
Have you ever had a GF? And in that case, Have you and your GF done something crazy that you both regret today?
Have you ever thought of changing the time of someones clock to see if they notice it the next morning?
Have you ever stayed up longer than 24h?
Have you ever skived something important to get in a car/train/walk somewhere just to see where you end up?
Definitely the Unicorn, what happened was the unicorn got in a battle with a chimeria and lost its legs (all the unicorns in the world) and they had to adapt to breathing underwater...then evolution took hold.