YTTalk's Fox
Actually I am helping. I've given him an explanation into why recording uncompressed above 30fps is pointless. If you're going to record and upload to YouTube there is no need to go above 30fps.Using uncompressed files is not a wise move either, if you're editing a longer video it will take a while to pre-render.
My question at the beginning was a joke as there are better and easier alternatives. Using Dxtory or Fraps has nothing to do with it. His codecs are what are causing the issues. Just compress the files before hand. Or use something else like FFsplit and use Dxtory as the source. This allows you to record the files in a compressed FLV format for direct upload (If not editing) which will drop the size by a huge amount. Or you could record to MP4 using the preloaded default settings and still have a small file.
Code:Sources and useful links:!topic/youtube/CS4w2Y6nBGw
No. They are not ALWAYS Big. Would you believe I can record over 40 minutes of 720p HD footage and it be smaller than 500mb?
If you're going to give advice, give correct advice.
Thanks, but you're not really helping me so please just go away..