Gretech(managed) claim

Gretech is a Korean company that claim Starcraft video, they have the legit claim, but only in South Korea

Blizzard extends the same permissions for gamers to monetize on YouTube worldwide, so while Gretech may be a Korean company, that doesn't give them the right to claim other peoples content. Rather, this is a common negative issue relating to ContentID allowing mass claiming of content without content owner review being required prior.
Blizzard extends the same permissions for gamers to monetize on YouTube worldwide, so while Gretech may be a Korean company, that doesn't give them the right to claim other peoples content. Rather, this is a common negative issue relating to ContentID allowing mass claiming of content without content owner review being required prior.
there are a lot of the Korean company who claim fake content ID on those famous video games, I faced 3 times in this year, and all of them are from Korean company. I wonder if they understand the terms and condition of the CMS claim usage or not.
there are a lot of the Korean company who claim fake content ID on those famous video games, I faced 3 times in this year, and all of them are from Korean company. I wonder if they understand the terms and condition of the CMS claim usage or not.

It's more a case of rolling in new channels and mass claiming their content. I had a similar issue. A channel used the Curator theme from Karazhan in World of Warcraft in a remix. Blizzard conveniently uses that song in Heroes of the Storm. ContentID match which I disputed and won in fairly short order. In that case it was Adrev though, not a Korean company.
It's more a case of rolling in new channels and mass claiming their content. I had a similar issue. A channel used the Curator theme from Karazhan in World of Warcraft in a remix. Blizzard conveniently uses that song in Heroes of the Storm. ContentID match which I disputed and won in fairly short order. In that case it was Adrev though, not a Korean company.
adrev was one of the headache claim as well :banghead:
I just wanted to report back to you that after being very nervous about challenging the claim for fear of receiving a copyright strike I went ahead and did it. 24 hours or so after challenging it YouTube sent me an e-mail informing me that the claim had been released and monetization had been restored. Thank you forum for helping me sort this out I'm glad you pushed me to do it.
I just wanted to report back to you that after being very nervous about challenging the claim for fear of receiving a copyright strike I went ahead and did it. 24 hours or so after challenging it YouTube sent me an e-mail informing me that the claim had been released and monetization had been restored. Thank you forum for helping me sort this out I'm glad you pushed me to do it.
nothing to be afraid of, there are really rare case that if they reject your dispute and slap you with a copyright strike. Mostly they just reject the dispute or release it.
I just wanted to report back to you that after being very nervous about challenging the claim for fear of receiving a copyright strike I went ahead and did it. 24 hours or so after challenging it YouTube sent me an e-mail informing me that the claim had been released and monetization had been restored. Thank you forum for helping me sort this out I'm glad you pushed me to do it.

As long as you do your due diligence and know that you are 100% in the right, there is nothing to be nervous about.